Hydropower Development Trend 2024

Summary Report

Its been more than 2 years since Indonesia released their greenest Electricity Supply Business Plan (RUPTL).

In current ever changing world landscape, lingering electric power oversupply, and the search of ideal sustainable power source, Indonesia is facing critical juncture in this election year.

In this summary report, we would share our views on:

  • A look on RUPTL, after 2 years. The document was understandably arranged in an industry unccertainty about electricity demand, setting up the moderate energy demand projection for about 4,9% annually.
  • Hydropower development challenges, and opportunity: Current strategy of renewable electric power generation in Indonesia is mainly based on three factors: supply-demand, grid readiness, and project economics.
  • Hydropower roadmap, which consist of total technical potential, and the breakdown of the project in operation, construction, studied, and not yet studied.
  • The upcoming plan of green transmission in Indonesia, to enable higher renewable energy mix in Indonesia.


Lestian Atmopawiro

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PT Adi Candra Teknologi

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